Nova Author Cup 2006

There was the one of the last MTB marathons this year´s season NOVA AUTHOR CUP on the of October 2006 in Jizerska mountains. Start and finish was in Josefov Dul, which was really full of competitors.


Searching transaction according to numbers competitor and because there are a lot of illegible numbers there so for the second big group of competitors is keyword nic - nothing (a competitor with illegible number or without number). The next keywords are: prehrada - dam , moto, poradatele -officials, slecna - miss, defekt - defect, divaci - spectators, penzion - pension, veterani - veterans, kridlo - wing.

Fill the keyword (usually competitor number) in following form field according to given instructions. If you want to show all photos from this event, leave the field empty. There are 6309 photos for this event.

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