Karluv beh classical technique - Sunday 2011

Karluv beh classical technique - Sunday 2011

Photos from Sunday's run Karluv beh classical technique - memorial Jiriho Cáslavskeho classical technique is ready for viewing here. Sunday's race was the same route as Saturday, just a little change of weather and sometimes we even chumelilo... We went to three lines of length and 10 km, 21 km and 45 km, so everyone chose according to their fitness.


Also photos of the Charles race course in the classical technique of course 2011 are divided according to race numbers of competitors. Another possibility is viewing photos, click on the orange words in this text and you will see a group of photos directly below them hidden. Mass í fotek je, že kliknete na oranžová slova v tomto textu a zobrazí se Vám rovnou skupina fotek pod nimi ukrytá. Hromadným start it all started again. Competitors with illegible number, participants without number,Organizers, Mountain Rescue, nature.

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