Jizerska 50 CSOB Pojistovny a Intersport Jizerska 25 2011

Jizerska 50 CSOB Pojistovny a Intersport Jizerska 25 2011

Pictures from the race Jizerska 50 CSOB Pojistovny a Intersport Jizerska 25 ready for you to be viewed and ordered here. This year´s volume was record-breaking in several aspects: in the participation in all tracks, in the warm weather and for you also in the number of pictures taken in this race. There were 5 photographers working on different spots of the tracks, that´s why we hope we got shots of really every single competitor. The pictures from the race Jizerská 50 and Jizerská 25 from previous volumes can be viewed here: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005


The pictures from the races Jizerská 50 and Jizerská 25 are sorted in accordance with the starting number of each competitor. In order to find pictures of you, please enter your starting number into the Your query box. To those of you whose starting number had less than four digits, I would recommend to choose the way or searching strictly (the system searches for the exact number only). In this way you will find your personal pictures only.o) Another option of viewing the pictures is to click the orange words in the text. There is a quite big group of competitors whose numbers were unreadable, so those of you would have to seach in this section in order to find pictures of yourself.o) Some of the onlookers took their skies and went for a run without number. There was a helicopter watching over the race from the air. The onlookers and the promoters stayed on the ground. Some snow-scooters were riding between the competitors. Have a look at the pictures of the nature, pictures of the chalet Knajpa and pictures of the leaders of the sightless competitors. The head-competitor of the cup run in the jersey of FIS.

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